Last updated: July 16, 2024

We can ship to virtually any address in the Contiguous United States.

You can follow your package online all the way to your shipping address when the seller uploads tracking information.

Shipping Time: Monday to Friday (working days) from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Delivery Time: Express delivery takes 3-5 days, and truck delivery takes 7-10 days.

Please note that the shipping rates for many items we sell are weight-based. When the weight does not exceed the free shipping standard, the shipping fee will not be charged,otherwise the shipping fee will be charged to the product by weight or size. (The free standard shipping is the weight of the goods within 300 lbs, length, width and height within 96 inch) The actual shipping fee will be presented at the time of order settlement. Currently, sales are only supported within the Contiguous United States.

If you select an additional service option when placing your order, this part of the cost will be included in the shipping costs.

Pickup Locations

Instead of having a package delivered to your home or business address, you can select a Pickup Location.

Eligible Pickup Locations display during Checkout based on the availability.

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